Field Trip Balhannah is a gift store in the Adelaide Hills with a strong emphasis on ethically made products that use natural materials, are lasting and made to be treasured. We love connecting the customer to the stories behind them.
Mim and Linda met while studying 20 years ago. Market stalls and shared studios were the perfect place to dream and conjure the next idea. We'd always adored this cute little shop front in Balhannah and when it came up for lease we decided to open shop!
Five years later and we’re still here happily sorting through boxes of ceramics and an ever changing assortment of goodies. We would love for you to come and say hi!

Linda and Mim are both designers and the shop houses our studio space. Linda makes beautiful everyday jewellery using natural materials (Linda Marek Design) while Mim (Mim Clarkson) has a small-run clothing label using beautiful high quality fabrics and a close attention to fit.
Open 7 days a week
Monday to Saturday: 10am - 4pm
Sunday: 11am - 4pm
81 Onkaparinga Valley Rd, Balhannah SA
Find us on Google Maps